Art Storyboards

Codename Rally Race (2017)

One of my concepts for the University major project/graduation film. Thanks to Thy Nguyen for help with the presentation slide (above). Thanks to Rehan Zia and Reza Yousefzadeh for help with developing the concept.

Art Photography Storyboards University Assignments

Cinematography Storyboard (Resubmission)

I flunked this assignment, so I was re-submitting it. Luckily, I was spending part of the summer at home, and had my school friends to help me with equipment, location, and, of course, their bodies. It was fun. There were certain restrictions/rules in the assignment, although the details escape me now. So I submitted two […]

Art Storyboards University Assignments

Cinematography Storyboard

An assignment I had to re-do later.

Art Storyboards

BFX 2016 Storyboard

In a team with Joe Withers, Joshua Millyard, Thy Nguyen, Gabriel Jia-Wei Lim, we each pitched in ideas and even storyboards. Here is a storyboard I tried to develop. The brief was somewhat weird. We had to include a horse in the story, which rescues the protagonist from her predicament (domestic violence). I think, the […]