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When researching solutions for my graduation project, I found out (through a random connection at the 2018 BFX), about a company called Mo-Sys, and their technology, Startracker VFX. Specifically, I was looking for a camera tracking solution that’s more convenient than the standard optical one. I spoke with some staff at the University, and found out that, potentially, they could make a deal with the company and get some of that sweet equipment. It was all the more exciting since they were integrating real-time tracking and pre-vis tech with Unreal Engine.
I doubted that, even if I succeeded in establishing a connection between Mo-Sys and BU, I would see the fruits it this during my study, but… It would have still been worth a try, and, not to mention, fun.
So I contacted Mo-Sys, arranged a meeting at their studio in London. My friend Josh came along. We tested out their equipment. Unfortunately, the amount of baby-sitting that the gear required at the time didn’t really justify jumping over from the camera-trackers-on-light-stands camp. But it was itneresting nonetheless.